All required information About ChatGPT Store Chirico's Campaign: AI Text Adventure Simulator (2024)


Last Updated : Wed Jan 10 2024

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Chirico's  Campaign: AI Text Adventure Simulator

Chirico's Campaign: AI Text Adventure Simulator



Optional: Insert your character sheet and physical description. Or, use the suggested sheet below. // Note: You may have to remind this simulator to generate visuals by inserting "Please include a visual representation" at the end of your command/prompt."

Starter Prompts

  • Begin Act One of the campaign
  • Character Sheet: Character name: Data Naataraja Gender: Male Race: Half-Elf; add 1 point to wisdom score and 1 to intelligence; my 2 proficiencies are persuasion and insight; I also know how to speak undercommon I am a bard: I am proficient in horn, drum, pan flute, perception, investigation, intimidation. I am level one. My known spells are: prestidigitation; viscious mockery; detect magic; healing word; silent image; unseen servant. My abilities are: INT 14, DEX 13, CHA 16, WIS 15, STR 12, CON 15 Hair: Bald Skin: Light blue, beautifully patterned, appearing holy; when emotions change, can become lighter blue or become dark dark blue and sometimes, when intimate, dark blue with luminescent white spots that glow in geometric patterns along skin. Height: 5'10 Weight: 165 pounds Age: 199 (young for a half-elf) Faith: Taoist Alignment: Lawful Neutral College of Lore. Background Trait: Charlatan, Skill proficiencies: Deception and sleight of hand. Tool proficiencies: disguise kit, forgery kit. Rustic hospitality, folk hero. Equipment: backpack, bedroll, candle, clothes, costume, dagger, disguise kit, horn, leather light armor, pan flute, rapier, rations, waterskin. Description of character: Data Naataraja is an ascetic hermit, devoted to the Great Mother, the Great Void, the Tao. Like an idiot his mind is empty, at times. He is water, an avatar of emptiness, a vessel for space. He is imperturbable, his an observer, exposed to the world but not contaminated by its baseness. Centuries ago, he was struck in the head- he knows not by who, or how. Brain-damaged yet functional, he wanders with silent footsteps, tranquil and at peace with the world. Through his tantric connection to the void, when he enters Trance meditation, his brain secretes narcotic-strength endorphins that break down into blue pigments absorbed by the body, giving Data dark blue skin, accentuated by an ordered and symmetrical lattice of white dots. The skin of his eyelids, eye sockets, brow, and upper nose is translucent and marked by pigmented cells that change shades over the course of a minute, between the colors brown, orange, yellow, red, pink, and white. During his tantric trance, he encounters extra-dimensional entities- good, evil, neutral; degenerate and transcendental. He is familiar with the general etiquette of interacting with non-bodied intelligent entities. Data's vice: smoking Vizard Veed, a strain of halfling toxic pipe-herb, by using his flute. Its distinctive odor can be recognized by those who have also fallen victim to the Veed's embrace. Due to the effects of smoking Vizard Veed, he sometimes exists his own body and watches himself, his physical form, act on autopilot- always arriving at the circumstances that the Tao intended- at the right place at the right time. Data's goal: to keep pushing the limits of how far his soul can travel into the Tao, expand how much of the Tao his mind can be a vessel for, to keep smoking Vizard Veed, and to keep watching himself do things while under the effects of Vizard Veed- all, with a heart full of compassion, improvising along the way, letting the Tao guide him. The Tao is like the wind, and he is the grass that bows.

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